PREVENTABLE – Cancer prevention vs cancer treatment: the rare tumour risk syndromes battle

Programme: Horizon Europe
Project Status: ONGOING (January 2023 – December 2025)

What aims and scope

The PREVENTABLE project aims to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of preventive measures in Rare Tumour Risk Syndromes (RTRS) compared to treatment of already developed cancer.

To this end, it will merge specialised clinical knowledge on RTRS pathways of care, real-life clinical data from RTRS patients and experiences from professionals and patients, with health economic models and social sciences approaches to estimate the cost-effectiveness of risk-reduction interventions in RTRS and delineate guidelines for its communication among and within clinical teams and RTRS patients.

How it will become possible 

The diversity of the PREVENTABLE consortium, with a strong clinical component, reflects the multidisciplinary methodology of the project. Nine of the fifteen partners are full members of the European Reference Network (ERN) dedicated to Genetic Tumour Risk Syndromes (GENTURIS). All PREVENTABLE clinical teams are Reference Centres of the ERN GENTURIS, which centralises diagnosis, surveillance, and treatment of RTRS in European countries.

While clinical teams will focus on the clinical assessment of parallel and condition-specific care pathways, non-clinical partners – such as EHMA – will focus on the financial impact of preventive care measures on health systems. Resources and tools for collecting health costs and estimating each care pathway per RTRS will be developed. Partners will model costs and outcomes for RTRS patients and conduct behavioural analysis of the uptake of care pathways for RTRS. Ultimately, the project aims to demonstrate to policy makers the cost-effectiveness of cancer prevention rather than treatment in RTRS patients, thus triggering practical changes in European health systems.

Where EHMA delivers 

Thanks to its long-standing interchanges with policy-makers, EHMA will provide them with PREVENTABLE findings, to ultimately inspire informed decisions about the most cost-effective and beneficial care pathways for RTRS. To achieve this goal, EHMA will carry out an assessment of the barriers and enablers of RTRS care pathways and clinical procedures in different health systems in order to understand administrative, technical, and financial hurdles of risk-prevention interventions. In addition, we will establish and lead a dedicated Stakeholder Group to address health care financing models and use care pathways for RTRS as an example, which will produce scientific publications to be disseminated among researchers, academics and policy-makers.

EHMA Corner in PREVENTABLE : Our Latest Updates 

Additional updates from the project can be found on the PREVENTABLE website.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them.


RTRS are rare diseases affecting 5 per 10.000 people or less and caused by heritable genetic variants. Although cancer in RTRS can be prevented and survival rates maximised, risk-reduction strategies are not always prioritised, and most healthcare systems keep on opting for the treatment of clinically expressed cancer. Evidence collected in the project will encourage health professionals to take steps towards the implementation of cost-effective, patient-centred RTRS care in Europe, by demonstrating financial benefits from risk-prevention interventions. This could translate into lower expenditures for health systems and better patient health and quality of life outcomes.

RTRS-at-risk individuals, general practitioners, and policy-makers will access project outcomes such as audio-visual materials, webinars, and publications. The PREVENTABLE project will generate evidence that will ultimately support health managers in taking informed decisions to revise care pathways and clinical processes for RTRS and other rare diseases.


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What our Members say

I have been active in EHMA since the first years of the '90s and I have seen its evolution from a small association of members interested in sharing knowledge on health management practices to the current status of reference and advisory key player for EU, health systems and organisations, stakeholders associations, industry and universities. EHMA is now a unique knowledge hub, policy advisor, community of practice and network of best in class organisations involved in health policy and management. A place where health managers can build their competences, policy-makers and stakeholder associations envision how to implement and sustain change through health management, industry leaders understand how to engage more effectively with health organisations and systems. The right place to nurture and grow health management capabilities and capacity for every stakeholder of health systems.

Prof. Federico Lega, University of Milan, Italy

Health management has a crucial function in shaping public health and health system challenges. The Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria had success in collaborating with EHMA on EU-funded projects that has resourced us to create new health management competencies for the future workforce. In addition to all classical definitions, health management is a science dealing with individuals, groups, and society at large. It is an art contributing to the beauty of our lives and an interactive communication process at all levels of institutions and human energy. I have also had the pleasure to chair the South Eastern European Special Interest Group which gives members a space to discuss and tools to address how health systems are managed in our regions.

Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria

I enjoy the high level of interaction and engagement in EHMA’s activities, in particular during the annual conference where the panel discussions are rich and well prepared. As a hospital manager and professor of health management, EHMA motivates and inspires me to be creative. You go back home feeling energised from seeing old friends and making new connections, as well as being convinced of serving as EHMA’s ambassador. It’s a strong feeling of interdisciplinary engagement, but it also feels like being part of family-like community.

Prof. Sandra C. Buttigieg, University of Malta, Malta

EHMA is a pre-eminent organisation for everyone working in planning, managing and delivering health services across Europe. As a long standing member of EHMA I have always been impressed by the vibrant community of managers, researchers and academics it has created and by the many opportunities for sharing knowledge and funding opportunities it has brought to its members. Its international scope is impressive and its impact is often felt in management and research across European and national health systems.

Prof. Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, UK

Health workforce has become more essential in operating, managing and maintaining health systems lately, particularly in crisis and emergency situations. European healthcare professions and the workforce need to be high on the agenda of managers and decision makers. The Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University in Hungary is a longstanding EHMA member, because it connects us with collaborators and experts, with whom we can have complex debates, from whom we can learn and at the end find solutions in various challenging fields of healthcare management.

Dr Eszter Kovács, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Hungary

As a hospital administrator and health management professor, I see on a daily basis that the healthcare challenges require talented and skilled managers to transform it. the EHMA membership has been beneficial to bring healthcare management research and education to the demanding healthcare services world, promoting healthcare management competencies and knowledge creation.

Dr Alexandre Lourenco, APAH - Association of Portuguese Hospital Managers, Portugal

Many healthcare systems in Europe and beyond are facing similar challenges which require innovative and creative solutions. EHMA’s annual conference, webinars, Programme Directors’ group and other activities and resources provide incredible opportunities for networking, connecting and sharing experiences. A distinct feature of EHMA is the diversity of members with representation from many countries, sectors and different communities of practice – academic, policy-makers, practitioners, managers, leaders and students. The annual conference is a highlight in the calendar year, offering a friendly, fun and learningful environment for emerging and established members to engage, collaborate and meet up with old and new friends. I am proud to be a member of the EHMA Board.

Prof. Ann Mahon, University of Manchester, UK

Society evolution, pandemics and ageing modify health needs. So, health policies and services are to change dramatically. EHMA, through webinars, workshops and annual conference provides an excellent insight to a professional changing world, favouring closeness to management innovation and the protagonists of these changes. As a primary care services’ manager, participating in EHMA activities is really worth it and allows to involve oneself in the innovation processes.

Dr Antoni Peris Grao, Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain