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Value-based primary care
15-16 February 2021 - Online
This workshop discusses the latest frameworks and experiences on how primary care is evolving in ever-changing healthcare systems and how services and management adapted to COVID-19. Comparison of experiences from different countries is discussed, with a specific focus on the Catalan case of CASAP and the Italian Lombardy Region reform based on proactive population health management, Chronic Related Groups (CReGs) and individual care contracts.
Particular attention is given to the new reality created by COVID-19, which has profoundly affected all primary care services. The significant number of services that were postponed during the first and second wave has generated serious consequences for the management of chronic and high-risk patients. Returning to full capacity in primary care activities, as well as recovering from the gaps left behind requires clear strategies and innovative actions. This will need the use of all opportunities provided by modern technologies as well as the anticipation of new paradigmatic operational changes and cultural shifts.
The workshop includes discussions and confrontations on all these challenges and provides participants with food for thought and the best opportunity for bench learning.
What will you learn
During the workshop participants will:
- be exposed to new perspectives on primary care management and reconfiguration;
- share perspectives with other professionals;
- learn from the experiences of an international group;
- analyse current significant managerial issues by discussing cases from different countries and different legal and cultural settings;
- create new contacts and join an international network of professionals sharing an interest in primary care management.

Prof. Federico Lega, Ph.D
Prof. Federico Lega, Ph.D
Prof. Federico Lega, Ph.D, is Full Professor of Health Administration at the Public Health Department at Milan University, where he runs all courses in healthcare management and policy for medical students and leads the Research Center in Health Administration (HEAD).
He is also Professor at SDA Bocconi School of Management where he teaches courses in Public Management and Health Services Management. He leads the research in strategy and organisational development in healthcare at the Bocconi Research Center on Health Policy and Management (CERGAS). From 2007 to 2014 he has been Head of executive education for health managers, clinicians and medical industry leaders at Bocconi School of Management (SDA).
Since 2015 is acting as Editor in Chief of the journal Health Services Management Research, Associate Editor of BMC health services research and Medical Care Research Review. He has published eight books and over 150 articles on journals.
As a consultant, he has advised health systems on health policy matters and governance issues, several hospitals and networks in re-organisations, strategy-making processes, value-based approaches, economic evaluations and process management, both at national and international level.
In the last ten years, he has advised several companies of the medical industry on their transformation toward value-based models and for the development of effective market-access initiatives. Since 2002 he has coordinated over fifteen initiatives of duality or study-tour, involving the exchange of managers and senior clinicians between countries (Italy, UK, USA, Germany and France). He currently seats in the boards of hospitals and local health authorities, advises health departments of Regions, national health agencies and insurances, and worked as a consultant for WHO.

Dr. Peris Grao
Dr. Peris Grao
Dr. Antoni Peris Grao is Manager at CASAP, a public consortia running a Primary Care Team and a Primary Care Emergency Unit, whose aim is to provide a highly resolutive and top quality primary care health services. CASAP works not only on the clinical side but also on the oranisation, leading projects and looking for team cohesion through different strategies. CASAP has been the leader in Spain for nurses’ autonomous resolution in acute health situations, having edited guidelines currently followed by other health organisations. CASAP has been selected as a case study for new health care organisations by KPMG and Manchester Bussiness School; and its project has received awards from ESADE Bussiness School and CSSC (Catalan Social and Health Consortia), CAMIFC (Catalan Famiily and Community Medicine Society) and ACCMMCB (Catalan Medical Science Association) and Spanish Ministry of Health for the whole project.
Dr. Peris Grao is a Medical Doctor with a specialisation in Family and Community Medicine. He holds a Master in Public Health; a degree in Quality Management; and a degree on Primary Care Management. He is a Board Member of EHMA and the Chair of the EHMA Special Interest Group on Primary Care. He is also member of scientific and organising committees for CAMFIC, EHMA and EFPC, and a member of Bsalut, association for Research on Innovation and Managing in Health Services.
Prior to his appointment at CASAP, he was Vice-President at the Catalan Family and Community Medicine Society (CAMFIC) from 1997 to 2003. He was also Consultant for OMS Europ in Kirgisztan on Emergency Care Services Organisation, and Consultant for Gessaworld in Panama on Rural Health and preventive programms.

Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat
Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat
Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat is a medical doctor, a specialist in public health, and the author of several publications in public health and European health policy. Following her qualification as a medical doctor from the University of Malta in 1995, Dr Azzopardi-Muscat worked in various areas in the health sector in Malta, including maternal and child health, mental health, and primary care. Her transdisciplinary research bridging health policy, European studies and small states studies led to her PhD entitled “The Europeanisation of health systems: a small state perspective”.
Since 1999, Natasha has been a resident academic at the University of Malta, teaching in the department of health services management and public health. In 2003, she completed her specialization in public health medicine and obtained her membership in the Faculty of Public Health of the United Kingdom. Between 2001 and 2013, she occupied various senior positions in the Ministry of Health in Malta, including that of Chief Medical Officer.
Before joining WHO, Dr Azzopardi-Muscat served as President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) from 2016 to 2020, where she was actively involved in health advocacy at the European level.

Dr Tino Marti
Dr Tino Marti
Dr Tino Marti holds an extended experience in health policy and management in health services delivery, health financing and digital health.
He is eHealth Project Officer at the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) and participates in different European projects: InteropEHRate, DigitalHealthEurope, European mHealth Hub, Scirocco Exchange and Open DEI.
Between 2016 and 2019, he was Technical Officer at the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where he provided technical advice on health system strengthening to Belgium, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Romania and Tajikistan, and participated in the organisation of the Global Conference on Primary Health Care held in Astana in October 2018.
In the past, he held different responsibilities in the National Health System in Catalonia, Spain, including the Department of Health, the Catalan Health Institute (ICS), the eHealth competence centre (TicSalut) and the Primary Care Consortium CASAP.
Detailed Programme
DAY 1 | 15 February 2021, 14.00-18.00
14.00-14.30 | Welcoming activities
14.30-15.30 | New paradigms, models and challenges in primary care
We will discuss the latest frameworks and experiences on how primary care is evolving in the ever-changing healthcare systems, including from Starfield’s Primary Care essentials to Bodenheimer’s building blocks; Phameu, MOCHA and other studies on demography, resources and service provision; from primary care to population health management; from clustering the populations to design the best delivery experience; managing patients as clients; patient-centredness.
15.45-16.45 | Primary Care and the Lombardy Region experience
In this second session, the first case study will be presented: how Italy is tackling the chronic care revolution.
17.00-18.00 | Primary care in the COVID-19 era – A conversation with Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat from WHO
In this session, we will discuss the new primary care reality created by COVID-19. The significant number of services that were postponed during the first and second wave has generated serious consequences for the management of chronic and high-risk patients. How did services and management adapt to COVID-19?
DAY 2 | 16 February 2021, 14.00-18.00
14.00-15.15 | Primary Care and the Catalan experience
The second case study presented during the workshop will come from CASAP (Barcelona, Spain), a public consortium running a Primary Care Team and a Primary Care Emergency Unit, whose aim is to provide a highly resolutive and top-quality primary care health services.
15.30-16.30 | Engaging the general practitioner: new roles for health professionals
During this session, we will discuss how new paradigms are emerging in the “new normality” of health systems, and how they are translated into practice, with the active engagement of general practitioners, nurses and other health professionals working in community services.
16.30-17.00 | Digitalisation in primary care – A conversation with Dr Tino Martì from EHTEL
We will discuss challenges and opportunities when it comes to digitalisation in primary care systems with guest speaker Dr Tino Martí, Health economist and eHealth Project Officer at EHTEL.
17.00-17.30 | COVID-19 Pandemic – Change of the guards
17.30-18.00 | Closing activities
Individual Fee:
- For EHMA members, € 195.00 per person + 21% VAT where applicable
- For non-EHMA members, € 245.00 per person + 21% VAT where applicable
* For groups of 4 people of the same organisation, a discount of 10% will be applied
For groups of 7 people or more of the same organisation, a discount of 15% will be applied
The fee includes
- Study material and training program
- Networking space;
- Certificate of completion.
The Executive Workshop has a closed attendance of 30 participants. Registrations will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
We are not accepting registrations for this workshop.
You have the right to cancel your registration at any time upon written notice to If you decide to exercise you right to cancellation until 22 January 2021 (included), your fee will be refunded in full or a credit note will be issued for the unpaid invoice raised. If you decide to exercise you right to cancellation after 22 January 2021, there will be no entitlement to a refund and the raised invoice connected to your booking will be due in full.
*PLEASE NOTE* – At any time, participants may transfer their bookings to another participant upon written notice to
What our Members say
I have been active in EHMA since the first years of the '90s and I have seen its evolution from a small association of members interested in sharing knowledge on health management practices to the current status of reference and advisory key player for EU, health systems and organisations, stakeholders associations, industry and universities. EHMA is now a unique knowledge hub, policy advisor, community of practice and network of best in class organisations involved in health policy and management. A place where health managers can build their competences, policy-makers and stakeholder associations envision how to implement and sustain change through health management, industry leaders understand how to engage more effectively with health organisations and systems. The right place to nurture and grow health management capabilities and capacity for every stakeholder of health systems.
Prof. Federico Lega, University of Milan, Italy
Health management has a crucial function in shaping public health and health system challenges. The Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria had success in collaborating with EHMA on EU-funded projects that has resourced us to create new health management competencies for the future workforce. In addition to all classical definitions, health management is a science dealing with individuals, groups, and society at large. It is an art contributing to the beauty of our lives and an interactive communication process at all levels of institutions and human energy. I have also had the pleasure to chair the South Eastern European Special Interest Group which gives members a space to discuss and tools to address how health systems are managed in our regions.
Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria
I enjoy the high level of interaction and engagement in EHMA’s activities, in particular during the annual conference where the panel discussions are rich and well prepared. As a hospital manager and professor of health management, EHMA motivates and inspires me to be creative. You go back home feeling energised from seeing old friends and making new connections, as well as being convinced of serving as EHMA’s ambassador. It’s a strong feeling of interdisciplinary engagement, but it also feels like being part of family-like community.
Prof. Sandra C. Buttigieg, University of Malta, Malta
EHMA is a pre-eminent organisation for everyone working in planning, managing and delivering health services across Europe. As a long standing member of EHMA I have always been impressed by the vibrant community of managers, researchers and academics it has created and by the many opportunities for sharing knowledge and funding opportunities it has brought to its members. Its international scope is impressive and its impact is often felt in management and research across European and national health systems.
Prof. Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, UK
Health workforce has become more essential in operating, managing and maintaining health systems lately, particularly in crisis and emergency situations. European healthcare professions and the workforce need to be high on the agenda of managers and decision makers. The Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University in Hungary is a longstanding EHMA member, because it connects us with collaborators and experts, with whom we can have complex debates, from whom we can learn and at the end find solutions in various challenging fields of healthcare management.
Dr Eszter Kovács, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Hungary
As a hospital administrator and health management professor, I see on a daily basis that the healthcare challenges require talented and skilled managers to transform it. the EHMA membership has been beneficial to bring healthcare management research and education to the demanding healthcare services world, promoting healthcare management competencies and knowledge creation.
Dr Alexandre Lourenco, APAH - Association of Portuguese Hospital Managers, Portugal
Many healthcare systems in Europe and beyond are facing similar challenges which require innovative and creative solutions. EHMA’s annual conference, webinars, Programme Directors’ group and other activities and resources provide incredible opportunities for networking, connecting and sharing experiences. A distinct feature of EHMA is the diversity of members with representation from many countries, sectors and different communities of practice – academic, policy-makers, practitioners, managers, leaders and students. The annual conference is a highlight in the calendar year, offering a friendly, fun and learningful environment for emerging and established members to engage, collaborate and meet up with old and new friends. I am proud to be a member of the EHMA Board.
Prof. Ann Mahon, University of Manchester, UK
Society evolution, pandemics and ageing modify health needs. So, health policies and services are to change dramatically. EHMA, through webinars, workshops and annual conference provides an excellent insight to a professional changing world, favouring closeness to management innovation and the protagonists of these changes. As a primary care services’ manager, participating in EHMA activities is really worth it and allows to involve oneself in the innovation processes.
Dr Antoni Peris Grao, Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain