Our Members

The EHMA membership brings together a unique group of organisations and individuals with the common vision of achieving excellent health management for a healthy Europe. We gather industry leaders including universities; health and community service providers; associations of hospital managers; research centres; regional and national health policy agencies; and anyone else sharing our mission of speading knowledge on effective health management.


IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems


Management Center Innsbruck


Belgian Association of Hospital Managers (BAHM)


Ghent University - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


KU Leuven


Varna Medical University


Udruga poslodavaca u zdravstvu Hrvatske (UPUZ) – Croatian Health Care Employers’


CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd


Aalto University


Hospital District of Helsinki & Uusimaa


The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland


Joint Authority for Paijat-Hame Social and Health Care


Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare


University of Eastern Finland


EHESP School of Public Health


Semmelweis University


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery


Hadassah Academic College


Bocconi University School of Management


Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


University of Milan


CREMS - University of Messina


Riga Stradins University


Mykolas Romeris University


University of Malta

Republic of Moldova

School of Public Health Management

The Netherlands

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

The Netherlands

Maastricht University

The Netherlands

Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel)

The Netherlands

Netherlands Institute for Long Term Care (Vilans)

The Netherlands

Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur


Norwegian Nurses Organisation


Soerlandet Hospital HF


Associacao Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares


Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública


Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical


Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences


Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate


Andalusian School of Public Health


IESE Business School - University of Navarra


La Unió - Catalan Hospital, Health and Social Services Association




Karolinska Institutet


Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions


Universitat Bern – Zentrum fur Gesundheitsrecht und Management im Gesundheitswese


Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University


Medical Constructor

United Arab Emirates

University of Sharjah, College of Health Sciences

United Kingdom

NHS Confederation

United Kingdom

Edge Hill University

United Kingdom

University of Birmingham

United Kingdom

University of Manchester, Manchester Business School


IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems


IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

The IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems is a private Austrian university. Founded in 1994, IMC Krems has three campuses in Krems, Austria. IMC Krems offers 27-degree programmes, and has 3,100 students, 560 lecturers, as well as 137 partner universities in 36 countries. With three locations in and around Krems, the university offers bachelor and master’s degree programmes in business, health sciences and life sciences.

Contact Details:

Tel: +43 2732 802-0

Email: office@fh-krems.ac.at

Web: https://www.fh-krems.ac.at/en/

Management Center Innsbruck


Management Center Innsbruck

MCI Management Center Innsbruck, located in Innsbruck, Austria, is a private business school that provides a range of study programs culminating in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Additionally, it offers Executive Master’s programs such as MBA, MSc, and LL.M., alongside Executive Certificate programs, management seminars, tailored programs, and research opportunities.

Contact Details:

Tel: +43 512 20703500

Email: office@mci.edu

Web: https://www.mci.edu/en/


Belgian Association of Hospital Managers (BAHM)


Belgian Association of Hospital Managers (BAHM)

The Belgian Association of Hospital Managers brings together about 200 individual general managers, CEO’s, managing directors, executives, members of executive committees and active members of the boards of directors of Belgian hospitals. All of them are leading general or university hospitals from the three Belgian linguistic communities, regardless any political or religious creed.

Contact Details:

Email: info@bvzd-abdh.be

Web: https://bahm.be/

Ghent University - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


Ghent University - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Ghent University is more than 200 years old, it offers more than 200 programmes and conducts in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Ghent University is renowned for its comprehensive education and cutting-edge research in the medical and health sciences fields. They offer a wide range of programs for both degree-seeking and exchange students.

Contact Details:

Tel: +32 (0)9 332 41 93

Web: https://www.ugent.be/ge/en

KU Leuven


KU Leuven

KU Leuven is a Catholic research university in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Founded in 1425, it is the oldest university in Belgium. In addition to its main campus in Leuven, it has satellite campuses in Kortrijk, Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Ostend, Geel, Diepenbeek, Aalst, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, and  Brussels. In 2021–22, more than 65,000 students were enrolled, with 21% being international students. Its primary language of instruction is Dutch, although several programs are taught in English. It is routinely ranked among the top 50 universities in the world by Times Higher Education.

Contact Details:

Tel: +32 16 32 40 08

Web: https://www.kuleuven.be/


Varna Medical University


Varna Medical University

The Medical University of Varna is a Bulgarian state school for higher education dedicated to training specialists in the fields of medicine and healthcare. The university offers the training of cadres and professional qualification; training of PhD students; postgraduate education for medical and non-medical cadres; conducting medical diagnosis, prevention, consultation, rehabilitation, and expert services at the university hospitals; scientific research and applied sciences; international cooperation in the field of education and science; administrative, social, sport, publishing, information.

Contact Details:

Tel: +359 52 677050

Email: uni@mu-varna.bg

Web: https://www.mu-varna.bg/EN


Udruga poslodavaca u zdravstvu Hrvatske (UPUZ) – Croatian Health Care Employers’


Udruga poslodavaca u zdravstvu Hrvatske (UPUZ) – Croatian Health Care Employers’

The Association of Employers in Health Care in Croatia is the most significant association in the health sector in the country with a sixty-year tradition. Its membership includes almost all public health institutions, as well as a significant number of private ones. The members of this Association, except in the bodies of the Association (Assembly, Presidency, Supervisory Board), are especially active within professional societies formed according to the profile of health institutions. Professional societies of the Association regularly hold meetings where current topics from the business domain of these health institutions, the impact of the legal-regulatory framework on them, and issues of the contractual relationship with the HZZO are discussed.

Contact Details:

Tel: 01/ 6311-550

Email: info@upuz.hr

Web: https://upuz.hr/o-nama/o-nama


CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd


CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd

CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd is a leading private healthcare provider delivering out-of-hospital care, including nursing, physiotherapy, and caregiving services at home, in the workplace, and virtually. Since 2010, they  have been at the forefront of healthcare innovation, connecting individuals, communities, and professionals through advanced technology and personalised care in Cyprus and beyond.

Contact Details:

Tel: +357 99604318

Web: https://curisnetwork.com


Aalto University


Aalto University

Aalto University is a public research university located in Espoo, Finland. It was established in 2010 as a merger of three major Finnish universities: the Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Art and Design Helsinki.  The university is composed of six schools with close to 17,500 students and 4,000 staff members, making it Finland’s second largest university. The main campus of Aalto University is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. Aalto University Executive Education operates in the district of Töölö, Helsinki. In addition to the Greater Helsinki area, the university also operates its Bachelor’s Programme in International Business in Mikkeli and the Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Kirkkonummi.

Contact Details:

Tel: +358 9 47001

Web: https://www.aalto.fi/en

Hospital District of Helsinki & Uusimaa


Hospital District of Helsinki & Uusimaa

Helsinki University Central Hospital is a hospital network in Finland. It is one of the largest hospitals in Europe. It encompasses 17 hospitals in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, and has all major medical specialties represented. The HUCH Hospital Area is one of the five hospital areas making up the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS).

Contact Details:

Tel: +358 9 41700100

Web: https://www.hus.fi/en

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland


The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

The wellbeing services counties are responsible for organising health, social and emergency services in Finland.  The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland is the third largest wellbeing county in terms of population and second largest in terms of personnel. The total population in 2023 is approximately 490,500 inhabitants. Nearly 24,000 personnel work for the wellbeing services county.

Contact Details:

Tel: 02 263 3111

Email: kirjaamo@varha.fi

Web: https://www.varha.fi/en

Joint Authority for Paijat-Hame Social and Health Care


Joint Authority for Paijat-Hame Social and Health Care

Wellbeing Services County of Päijät-Häme is responsible for the organisation of social, health care and rescue services. It unites the region’s current social, health care and rescue services as one entity. It serves over 200 000 inhabitants.

Contact Details:

Tel: (03) 819 11

Email: kirjaamo@paijatha.fi

Web: https://paijat-sote.fi/en/

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare


Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is an independent state-owned expert and research institute that promotes the welfare, health and safety of the population. The key duty  of the Institute is to carry out research and expert work to prevent illnesses and social problems, to develop the welfare society, to support the social welfare and health care system and the social security system.

Contact Details:

Tel: +358 29 5246000

Web: https://thl.fi/en/main-page

University of Eastern Finland


University of Eastern Finland

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) was founded in 2010 with campuses in Joensuu and Kuopio. The university has four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies.

Contact Details:

Tel: +358 (0)294 45 1111

Web: https://www.uef.fi/en


EHESP School of Public Health


EHESP School of Public Health

EHESP French School of Public Health, with a campus in both Rennes and Paris is designed to form the next generation of French and international professionals in public health. It is a ‘grande ecole.’ EHESP employs 90 full-time professors and has a student population of 1300 (excluding the 7000 training participants).

Contact Details:

Tel: 33 (0) 2 99 02 28 59

Email: scolarite@ehesp.fr

Web: https://www.ehesp.fr/en/


Semmelweis University


Semmelweis University

Semmelweis University is a research-led medical school in Budapest, Hungary, founded in 1769. With six faculties and a doctoral school it covers all aspects of medical and health sciences. The university is also the largest provider of health care services in Hungary. Most of the departments cater for the most serious cases and patients requiring complex treatment.

Contact Details:

Tel: +36 1 459-1500

Web: https://semmelweis.hu/english/


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery

Founded as the national training body for surgery in Ireland, RCSI has been at the forefront of healthcare education and research since 1784. The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI provides registered nurses and midwives with education and training at the highest standard to support the maintenance of their professional development and competence.

Contact Details:

Tel: https://www.rcsi.com/dublin/about/faculty-of-nursing-and-midwifery

Email: facnurse@rcsi.ie

Web: https://www.rcsi.com/dublin/about/faculty-of-nursing-and-midwifery


Hadassah Academic College


Hadassah Academic College

Located in Jerusalem, HAC offers undergraduate (and specific graduate) degree programs that lead to careers in high demand in fields spanning various health sciences, as well as Computer Science, Management, Economics and Accounting, Industrial Design, Politics and Communications, Social Work, and more. Since its initial accreditation in 1996, HAC’s academic model has focused on training new generations of qualified professionals while emphasising excellence and innovation in instruction, scholarship, and research.

Contact Details:

Tel: +972-2-629-1378

Web: https://www.hac.ac.il/en/


Bocconi University School of Management


Bocconi University School of Management

Bocconi University  is a private university in Milan, Italy. The university provides education in the fields of economics, finance, law, business administration, management, political science, public administration, information science, data science, and computer science. Bocconi is a founding member of CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education, and the university through its graduate business school, SDA Bocconi School of Management, has received triple accreditation from the AACSB, EQUIS, and the AMBA where it offers MBA, Executive MBA, DBA, professional development, executive education, and professional certification programs.

Contact Details:

Tel: +39 02 5836 6605

Email: info@sdabocconi.it

Web: https://www.sdabocconi.it/it/home

Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is an Italian private research university founded in 1921. Its main campus is located in Milan, Italy, with satellite campuses in Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome. The university is organized into 12 faculties and 7 postgraduate schools. Cattolica provides undergraduate courses, graduate courses  and PhD programs. In addition to these, the university runs several double degree programs with other institutions throughout the world. Degrees are offered both in Italian and in English.

Contact Details:

Tel: +39 02 7234 2307

Email: rettore@unicatt.it

Web: https://www.unicatt.eu/

University of Milan


University of Milan

The University of Milan is a public research university in Milan, Italy. It is one of the largest universities in Europe, with about 60,000 students, and a permanent teaching and research staff of about 2,000. The University of Milan has ten schools and offers 140 undergraduate and graduate degree programmes, 32 Doctoral Schools and 65+ Specialization Schools. The University’s research and teaching activities have grown over the years and have received important international recognitions.

Contact Details:

Tel: +39 02 5032 5032

Web: https://www.unimi.it/en

CREMS - University of Messina


CREMS - University of Messina

The Center for Research in Health Economics and Management (CREMS) is a Research Center of the University of Messina, Italy. CREMS develops and coordinates research and training activities and programs in the field of health economics and management.

Contact Details:

Tel: 090 676 1

Web: https://crems.unime.it/it


Riga Stradins University


Riga Stradins University

Riga Stradiņš University is a public university located in the city of Riga, Latvia. Riga Stradiņš University’s nine faculties provide undergraduate as well as postgraduate level studies in various programmes. High school students as well as doctors of science have the opportunity to study at RSU and enhance their education, and make a contribution to the creation of knowledge and new technologies.

Contact Details:

Tel: +371 67 409 105

Web: https://www.rsu.lv/en


Mykolas Romeris University


Mykolas Romeris University

Mykolas Romeris University is an international university located with campuses in Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania. Currently MRU enrolls 7500 students and employs over 400 academic staff. The university offers doctoral, Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree study programmes. The most popular study programmes are law, management, psychology, social work, public security. About 200 doctoral students study in the fields of law, management, psychology, philology, economics, and educational science.

Contact Details:

Tel: +370 5 271 4625

Email: roffice@mruni.eu

Web: https://www.mruni.eu/en/


University of Malta


University of Malta

The University of Malta is the leading higher education institution in Malta. It offers undergraduate bachelor’s degrees, postgraduate master’s degrees and postgraduate doctorates. UM has been, over its 400-year history, the hub for international academic exchange on the island. Today UM is composed of fourteen faculties, a number of interdisciplinary institutes and centres, three schools and a junior college. Besides the main campus, situated at Msida, there are three other campuses: Valletta, Marsaxlokk, Gozo. Overall, more than 3,500 students graduate in various disciplines annually.

Contact Details:

Tel: +356 2340 2340

Email: info@um.edu.mt

Web: https://www.um.edu.mt/

Republic of Moldova

School of Public Health Management

Republic of Moldova

School of Public Health Management

Founded on 2003, the School of Public Health Management, Republic of Moldova is the only institution in the country that provide masters, PhDs in continuous education in the field. During 20 years there is about 400 MPH Alumni network.

Contact Details:

Tel: +373 22 205 205

Email: sph@usmf.md

Web: https://sph.md

The Netherlands

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

The Netherlands

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) provides a bachelor’s degree, four master’s degree programs and post-graduate education. The research themes of Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management are ‘market organization and system design’, ‘quality and efficiency of care’ and ‘business management of healthcare organisations’. At ESHPM there are 1350 students and more than 200 employees.

Contact Details:

Tel: +31 10 408 8555

Email: frontoffice@eshpm.eur.nl

Web: https://www.eur.nl/en/eshpm

Maastricht University

The Netherlands

Maastricht University

Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and has nearly 22,000 students and 5000 staff. The university distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.

Contact Details:

Tel: +31 43 388 2222

Web: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/

Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel)

The Netherlands

Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel)

Nivel, short for ‘Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research’, is an independent non-profit foundation which contributes to the quality and effectiveness of the Dutch healthcare system.

Contact Details:

Tel: +31 30 272 9700

Email: receptie@nivel.nl

Web: https://www.nivel.nl/en

Netherlands Institute for Long Term Care (Vilans)

The Netherlands

Netherlands Institute for Long Term Care (Vilans)

Vilans is the national organisation specialising in knowledge management for healthcare and support in the Netherlands. The organisation is well-known in the Netherlands for running large scale, nationwide implementation programs, such as the National Dementia Program, the Care for Better Program  and Up to Care!.

Contact Details:

Tel: +31(0)30 - 78 92 300

Email: info@vilans.nl

Web: https://www.vilans.org/

Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur

The Netherlands

Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur

Erasmus Center for Healthcare Management offers well-founded, up-to-date postgraduate training programs for healthcare leaders: administrators, managers and professionals.
As part of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Center for Healthcare Management connects research and science with practice.

Contact Details:

Tel: 010 - 408 85 54

Web: https://www.erasmuscentrumzorgbestuur.nl/


Norwegian Nurses Organisation


Norwegian Nurses Organisation

Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NNO), founded in 1912, is a trade union for nurses, midwives, and nursing students in Norway. Counting more than 130.000 members as of 2023, we are one of the largest trade unions in Norway. The NNO has operates according to three main objectives as: an advocate for a healthy society, a national professional association, and a trade union.

Soerlandet Hospital HF


Soerlandet Hospital HF

Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand is located in Kristiansand, Vest-Agder County in Norway, and is one of the three public hospitals within the Hospital of Southern Norway and is a regional hospital. The hospital has modern facilities and is centralized geographically with full clinical, surgical, medical and psychiatric procedures and treatment-related deals. The hospital offers both emergency medical care and outpatient treatment. In addition, the hospital has district psychiatric centers and outpatient clinics in several other locations in Agder.

Contact Details:

Tel: 38 07 30 00

Email: postmottak@sshf.no

Web: https://www.sshf.no/


Associacao Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares


Associacao Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares

Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators (APAH) is the organization with the largest representation of professionals with administration and management roles in the health sector in Portugal. Since 1981, it has been dedicated to supporting hospital administrators in developing high standards of professional practice, in the multiple organizational contexts in which they perform functions, with a view to contributing to the improvement of their performance, ensuring the quality and excellence of health outcomes in Portugal.

Contact Details:

Tel: + 351 21800 8948

Email: secretariado@apah.pt

Web: https://apah.pt/

Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública


Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública

Over its more than 50 years, NOVA National School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH) offers post-graduate teaching and research in health related areas, namely in public health and health policy and management. The NOVA NSPH invests in health promotion and in the management and innovation of health organizations. Through a broad network of national and international partnerships, it focuses on education, research and community actions.

Contact Details:

Tel: +351 217 512 100

Email: geral@ensp.unl.pt

Web: https://www.ensp.unl.pt/

Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical


Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical

The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) is an Organic Unit of the NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science, which aims to develop scientific knowledge of health problems linked to the tropical and intertropical environment. Created on April 24, 1902, under the name School of Tropical Medicine, the IHMT was initially dedicated to the study, teaching and clinical practice of tropical diseases. This action has evolved into an integrated approach, which goes from the molecular level to global health systems, with a strong commitment to solving health problems that affect the poorest and most excluded, on all continents.

Contact Details:

Tel: +351 213 652 600

Email: geral@ihmt.unl.pt

Web: https://www.ihmt.unl.pt/


Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences


Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences

The Babeș-Bolyai University is a public research university located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FSPAC) offers study programmes in Public Administration, Journalism, Public Relations and Communication, Leadership, Advertising, Political Science and Public Health. Since the beginning of 1995, the faculty has engaged in a continuous development in terms of education and research programmes, infrastructure, quality of education and extracurricular activities.

Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate


Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate

The National Institute of Health Services Management – NIHSM/INMSS is a public institution dedicated to the education of public health professionals, a process  linked to the discovery and application of new knowledge, and through these activities, to the improvement of health, prevention of disease and sustainability for informed decision for policy makers.

Contact Details:

Tel: +021 252 04 25

Email: contact@inmss.ro

Web: http://www.inmss.ro/


Andalusian School of Public Health


Andalusian School of Public Health

The Andalusian School of Public Health is a public institution which provides training, consultancy and research services for the healthcare sector. It is located in Granada, Spain, on the University campus. It is a state-owned enterprise, promoted by the Andalusian government.

IESE Business School - University of Navarra


IESE Business School - University of Navarra

IESE Business School is the graduate business school of the University of Navarra. For more than 60 years, IESE has been at the forefront of management education, with campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, New York and Sao Paulo. From 1963, in collaboration with Harvard Business School it offers a two-year Master of Business Administration degree, an executive MBA, and executive education courses.

Contact Details:

Tel: +34 93 253 42 00

Web: https://www.iese.edu

La Unió - Catalan Hospital, Health and Social Services Association


La Unió - Catalan Hospital, Health and Social Services Association

Created in 1975, La Unio is the majority and oldest health and social business organization in Catalonia. Currently, more than 100 institutions are part of it that defend a health and social participated model.

Contact Details:

Tel: 93 209 36 99

Email: uch@uch.cat

Web: https://www.uch.cat/




The Castelldefels Health Agents Consortium (CASAP) is a public entity in which the Catalan Health Institute and the Castelldefels City Council participate. The aim of the consortium is the provision of primary health care services: diagnostic, curative and preventive services, home care, promotion of preventive medicine and public health, socio-health care, teaching related to health, research activities, study and dissemination related to health and health sciences.

Contact Details:

Tel: 93 665 56 59

Email: direccio@casap.cat

Web: https://casap.cat/


Karolinska Institutet


Karolinska Institutet

The Karolinska Institute is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden and one of the foremost medical research institutes globally. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Contact Details:

Tel: 08-524 800 00

Web: https://ki.se/en

Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions


Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) is an employers’ organisation and an organisation that represents and advocates local government in Sweden. All of Sweden’s municipalities and regions are members of SALAR.

Contact Details:

Tel: +46 8 452 70 00

Email: info@skr.se

Web: https://skr.se/skr/englishpages/contactsalar.1090.html


Universitat Bern – Zentrum fur Gesundheitsrecht und Management im Gesundheitswese


Universitat Bern – Zentrum fur Gesundheitsrecht und Management im Gesundheitswese

The Center for Health Law and Management in the Healthcare Sector is part of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bern. Together with the Institute of Public Law, it belongs to the Department of Public Law. The center’s mandate includes courses in basic legal training and continuing education, as well as research and services in the field of health law.

Contact Details:

Tel: +41 31 684 32 11

Email: info.mig.rw@unibe.ch

Web: https://www.mig.unibe.ch/


Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University


Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University

Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University (ACU) is a non-profit foundation university,  dedicated to the field of health sciences. The university was founded in 2007 by Mehmet Ali Aydınlar, an entrepreneur and founder of Acıbadem Healthcare Group, Turkey’s leading healthcare institution.

As of 2019, ACU serves 4374 undergraduate and graduate students through School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, two Vocational Schools and four graduate schools; Institute of Health Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, and Institute of Senology.

Contact Details:

Tel: +90 5388353723

Email: mesut.cimen@acibadem.edu.tr

Web: https://www.acibadem.edu.tr/en


Medical Constructor


Medical Constructor

The mission of the public organisation ‘Expert and analytical centre’ “Medical Constructor” is to promote the development of the medical field in Ukraine through the implementation of international methods of medical technology planning, design, and construction. Established in 2016, the organisation offers a wide range of professional services tailored to client needs, providing innovative and adaptable solutions for both existing and new healthcare projects, while adhering to international standards in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Contact Details:

Tel: +380 672440191

Email: v.smirnov@medconstructor.org

Web: https://medconstructor.org/en/

United Arab Emirates

University of Sharjah, College of Health Sciences

United Arab Emirates

University of Sharjah, College of Health Sciences

The University of Sharjah is an Emirati private national university located in University City, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. In addition to its main campus in Sharjah City, the university has built campus facilities to provide education,training, and research programs directly to several communities throughout the emirate, GCC, Arab countries, and internationally. Most significantly, the university plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of the emirate of Sharjah.

United Kingdom

NHS Confederation

United Kingdom

NHS Confederation

The NHS Confederation is a membership body for organisations that commission and provide National Health Service services founded in 1990. It has offices in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. NHS Confederation membership includes acute trusts, ambulance trusts, community health service providers, foundation trusts, mental health providers, and clinical commissioning groups, and some independent and voluntary sector healthcare organisations that deliver services within the NHS.


Contact Details:

Tel: 0207 799 6666

Email: enquiries@nhsconfed.org

Web: https://www.nhsconfed.org/

Edge Hill University

United Kingdom

Edge Hill University

Edge Hill University is a campus-based public university in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England. The university, which originally opened in 1885 as Edge Hill College, it became Edge Hill University in 2006. The university has three faculties: Arts and Sciences, Education, and Health and Social Care; these teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Contact Details:

Tel: +44 1695 575171

Web: https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/

University of Birmingham

United Kingdom

University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham is a public research university in Birmingham, England. It received its royal charter in 1900 as a successor to Queen’s College, Birmingham (founded in 1825 as the Birmingham School of Medicine and Surgery), and Mason Science College (established in 1875 by Sir Josiah Mason), making it the first English civic or ‘red brick’ university to receive its own royal charter, and the first English unitary university. It is a founding member of both the Russell Group of British research universities and the international network of research universities, Universitas 21.

Contact Details:

Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3344

Web: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/

University of Manchester, Manchester Business School

United Kingdom

University of Manchester, Manchester Business School

Established in 1965 as one of the UK’s first two business schools, Alliance Manchester Business School is proud to be part of the prestigious University of Manchester and the UK’s largest campus-based business and management school. Ranked 3rd in the UK for research power, the influential research impacts all areas of business and management – from accounting and health management to big data and human rights.


Contact Details:

Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6303

Web: https://www.alliancembs.manchester.ac.uk/

What our Members say

I have been active in EHMA since the first years of the '90s and I have seen its evolution from a small association of members interested in sharing knowledge on health management practices to the current status of reference and advisory key player for EU, health systems and organisations, stakeholders associations, industry and universities. EHMA is now a unique knowledge hub, policy advisor, community of practice and network of best in class organisations involved in health policy and management. A place where health managers can build their competences, policy-makers and stakeholder associations envision how to implement and sustain change through health management, industry leaders understand how to engage more effectively with health organisations and systems. The right place to nurture and grow health management capabilities and capacity for every stakeholder of health systems.

Prof. Federico Lega, University of Milan, Italy

Health management has a crucial function in shaping public health and health system challenges. The Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria had success in collaborating with EHMA on EU-funded projects that has resourced us to create new health management competencies for the future workforce. In addition to all classical definitions, health management is a science dealing with individuals, groups, and society at large. It is an art contributing to the beauty of our lives and an interactive communication process at all levels of institutions and human energy. I have also had the pleasure to chair the South Eastern European Special Interest Group which gives members a space to discuss and tools to address how health systems are managed in our regions.

Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria

I enjoy the high level of interaction and engagement in EHMA’s activities, in particular during the annual conference where the panel discussions are rich and well prepared. As a hospital manager and professor of health management, EHMA motivates and inspires me to be creative. You go back home feeling energised from seeing old friends and making new connections, as well as being convinced of serving as EHMA’s ambassador. It’s a strong feeling of interdisciplinary engagement, but it also feels like being part of family-like community.

Prof. Sandra C. Buttigieg, University of Malta, Malta

EHMA is a pre-eminent organisation for everyone working in planning, managing and delivering health services across Europe. As a long standing member of EHMA I have always been impressed by the vibrant community of managers, researchers and academics it has created and by the many opportunities for sharing knowledge and funding opportunities it has brought to its members. Its international scope is impressive and its impact is often felt in management and research across European and national health systems.

Prof. Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, UK

Health workforce has become more essential in operating, managing and maintaining health systems lately, particularly in crisis and emergency situations. European healthcare professions and the workforce need to be high on the agenda of managers and decision makers. The Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University in Hungary is a longstanding EHMA member, because it connects us with collaborators and experts, with whom we can have complex debates, from whom we can learn and at the end find solutions in various challenging fields of healthcare management.

Dr Eszter Kovács, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Hungary

As a hospital administrator and health management professor, I see on a daily basis that the healthcare challenges require talented and skilled managers to transform it. the EHMA membership has been beneficial to bring healthcare management research and education to the demanding healthcare services world, promoting healthcare management competencies and knowledge creation.

Dr Alexandre Lourenco, APAH - Association of Portuguese Hospital Managers, Portugal

Many healthcare systems in Europe and beyond are facing similar challenges which require innovative and creative solutions. EHMA’s annual conference, webinars, Programme Directors’ group and other activities and resources provide incredible opportunities for networking, connecting and sharing experiences. A distinct feature of EHMA is the diversity of members with representation from many countries, sectors and different communities of practice – academic, policy-makers, practitioners, managers, leaders and students. The annual conference is a highlight in the calendar year, offering a friendly, fun and learningful environment for emerging and established members to engage, collaborate and meet up with old and new friends. I am proud to be a member of the EHMA Board.

Prof. Ann Mahon, University of Manchester, UK

Society evolution, pandemics and ageing modify health needs. So, health policies and services are to change dramatically. EHMA, through webinars, workshops and annual conference provides an excellent insight to a professional changing world, favouring closeness to management innovation and the protagonists of these changes. As a primary care services’ manager, participating in EHMA activities is really worth it and allows to involve oneself in the innovation processes.

Dr Antoni Peris Grao, Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain