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A Compass for Collaboration: Navigating Stakeholders’ Roles in Transitioning To Value-Based Healthcare

A Compass for Collaboration: Navigating Stakeholders’ Roles in Transitioning To Value-Based Healthcare

20 February 2025

This report is an addendum to “A Compass for Collaboration”, published in March 2024 (hereafter the “original report”), which aimed to clarify the roles and contributions that different stakeholders can take to acceleration the journey towards developing value-based health systems.

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Health Management Voices: A Comic Book Inspired by EHMA Podcasts

Health Management Voices: A Comic Book Inspired by EHMA Podcasts

16 December 2024

Discover Health Management Voices, a comic book that transforms the insights from EHMA’s podcasts into visually engaging stories. Learn about innovative mental health care models and the fight against antimicrobial resistance in a creative and accessible format.

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‘How to’ Managers’ guide for the digitalisation of medication management

‘How to’ Managers’ guide for the digitalisation of medication management

9 December 2024

This guidebook offers a practical framework for European hospitals embarking on the digitalisation of their medication management pathways. The guide aims to enhance patient safety, streamline operational processes, and ensure compliance with evolving EU regulations.

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Guidebook on Successful Health Management Practices in South-Eastern Europe

Guidebook on Successful Health Management Practices in South-Eastern Europe

5 December 2024

The ‘Guidebook on Successful Health Management Practices in South-Eastern Europe’ highlights innovative strategies to strengthen healthcare systems across the region. Developed by EHMA’s Special Interest Group on South-Eastern Europe, the Guidebook showcases impactful case studies in workforce management, financing, and digitalisation. This resource is a must-read for policymakers, health administrators, and researchers seeking actionable insights into sustainable and equitable health management.

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Strengthening health systems: tackling the impact of pneumococcal disease in Europe

Strengthening health systems: tackling the impact of pneumococcal disease in Europe

22 November 2024

This report examines the burden of pneumococcal disease on European health systems, emphasising its role in exacerbating respiratory illnesses, straining resources, and impacting workforce resilience. It highlights gaps in surveillance, limited adult vaccination coverage, and seasonal pressures while advocating for enhanced vaccination programmes, better data sharing, and integrated preparedness strategies to reduce the health and economic toll and support sustainable healthcare systems across Europe.

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Assessing national-level capacity to provide data on hospitals’ medication inventories

Assessing national-level capacity to provide data on hospitals’ medication inventories

13 November 2024

This paper provides an analysis of national-level capacity to manage hospital medication inventories, emphasising the crucial role of digitalisation in enhancing stock visibility, preventing shortages, and improving healthcare resilience. It outlines gaps, challenges, and solutions, advocating for policy support and cross-sector collaboration to build robust, interoperable systems that ensure medication availability across Europe.

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Addressing AMR with effective health management strategies and a ‘One Health’ approach

Addressing AMR with effective health management strategies and a ‘One Health’ approach

13 November 2024

This factsheet provides an overview of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and highlights strategies to combat it through coordinated health management and a ‘One Health’ approach.

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Introducing One Health Management

Introducing One Health Management

31 October 2024

This paper presents a comprehensive definition of One Health Management, exploring its potential to improve health outcomes, strengthen governance, and foster cross-sectoral collaboration, while mapping its applicability, challenges, and integration into current One Health practices.

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Health Management Policy Stocktake

Health Management Policy Stocktake

28 October 2024

The Health Management Policy Stocktake provides a comprehensive overview of EHMA’s current positions on key health management policies across Europe. It consolidates insights from various EHMA initiatives to ensure the Association’s policy stances are relevant, responsive, and aligned with emerging health trends.

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Health literacy as an EU priority for enhancing the healthcare workforce

Health literacy as an EU priority for enhancing the healthcare workforce

11 October 2024

This fact sheet emphasises the critical importance of health literacy. It highlights the need for health professionals to improve communication skills and advocates for digital health solutions to empower citizens, reduce inequalities, and enhance health outcomes.

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EHMA2024 Conference Report

EHMA2024 Conference Report

19 September 2024

The European Health Management Conference Report serves as a vital reference for EHMA members, healthcare professionals, academics, and policymakers. It captures the most up-to-date evidence on health management, guiding best practices and informing policy development.

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Staff shortages and burn out in cancer medication administration in Europe

Staff shortages and burn out in cancer medication administration in Europe

19 September 2024

This white paper advocates for urgent recruitment strategies to tackle healthcare staff shortages and the adoption of technology solutions, such as electronic prescriptions and automated systems, to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

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The state of healthcare workers’ mental health and wellbeing across Europe

The state of healthcare workers’ mental health and wellbeing across Europe

1 May 2024

This fact sheet features the challenge dimension and facts, policy discourse, and health management outlook on healthcare workers’ mental health state and wellbeing in Europe.

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Health system readiness for innovation – Putting research into practice to drive effective implementation

Health system readiness for innovation – Putting research into practice to drive effective implementation

12 October 2023

This report features case studies of translation of research into practice, and pays particular attention to the role of frameworks in supporting effective implementation of innovation.

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Skills Strategy for the digital & green upskilling and reskilling of the health and care workforce (version 1)

Skills Strategy for the digital & green upskilling and reskilling of the health and care workforce (version 1)

7 June 2023

This strategy highlights the need to upskill and reskill the European healthcare workforce. It advocates for lifelong learning and continuous professional development and calls upon policymakers to integrate the workforce’s needs into policy design and implementation.

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Strengthening the European vaccine ecosystem: managing the digital transformation

Strengthening the European vaccine ecosystem: managing the digital transformation

26 January 2023

This paper provides policy recommendations for policy makers and health managers to implement modern digital technologies to support the vaccine ecosystem and ensure that these systems remain sustainable from the social, economic and workforce perspectives.

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Talking value: A taxonomy on value-based healthcare

Talking value: A taxonomy on value-based healthcare

19 December 2022

This taxonomy is a publication by the European Alliance for Value in Health (EAVH). It describes terms related to value-based healthcare (VBHC) and represents a milestone towards creating a  language around the concepts of value in health that is common to different stakeholders.

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Digital medication management in healthcare settings: an opportunity for the European Union

Digital medication management in healthcare settings: an opportunity for the European Union

29 November 2022

This White Paper includes clear recommendations for the digitalisation of the medication management pathway in European hospitals and is endorsed by members of the Alliance for the Digitalisation of Medication Management in European Hospitals.

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Reducing the environmental impact of medicines from procurement to disposal

Reducing the environmental impact of medicines from procurement to disposal

22 November 2022

This White Paper outlines recommendations specifically addressed to health managers on how to reduce the environmental impact of medicines throughout the medicine’s lifecycle, from procurement to disposal.

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EHMA 2022 Conference Report

EHMA 2022 Conference Report

31 October 2022

The Report includes summaries from the 34 sessions that took place during the EHMA 2022 Annual Conference. It provides a complete overview of the most relevant research and best practices; it showcases the discussions around trending and complex topics in health and care; and it sets the agenda for health management for the following year.

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Essential skills for a resilient and effective European health workforce

Essential skills for a resilient and effective European health workforce

22 September 2022

The report raises awareness on the existing and foreseeable skills gaps of the European health workforce. It investigates the skills needed for a healthcare workforce that is resilient, effective and future-oriented.

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Making the difference – UNIVANTS’ contribution to the outcomes’ quest’

Making the difference – UNIVANTS’ contribution to the outcomes’ quest’

19 September 2022

The paper identifies four examples of outcome-based projects recognised with the UNIVANTS for Healthcare Excellence award that can give inspiration to invest in the value-based healthcare shift.

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UNIVANTS as a driving force for value-based healthcare

UNIVANTS as a driving force for value-based healthcare

19 September 2022

The paper outlines the impact that a program such as the UNIVANTS for Healthcare Excellence Award can have on inspiring leaders towards implementing value-based healthcare. It presents case studies and examples from the Award winners.

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The health system burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Europe

The health system burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Europe

10 April 2022

This White Paper presents study findings on the burden of paediatric RSV in hospital and community settings, and the impact of RSV-infection on health systems performance and healthcare resource. The study is based on a survey among 374 HCPs in 20 EU countries.

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The European Health Data Space: A step towards digital and integrated care systems

The European Health Data Space: A step towards digital and integrated care systems

6 December 2021

Published by the EGIDE group (Expert Group for Integrated Care and Digital Health Europe), the paper identifies foundational principles that can guide the way to realise the full potential of the EHDS for integrated care and support the involved stakeholders.

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What are the key priority areas where European health systems can learn from each other?

What are the key priority areas where European health systems can learn from each other?

20 May 2021

This policy brief is one of a pair developed by the TO-REACH project and identifies the what – that is, what health system challenges are the highest priorities for health systems to learn from each other.

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How can we transfer  service and policy  innovations between health systems?

How can we transfer service and policy innovations between health systems?

20 May 2021

This policy brief is one of a pair developed by the TO-REACH project and looks at how health systems can learn from each other. It also looks at what determines success and failure in the transfer of service and policy innovations and in scaleup.

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Collective Research Impact Framework (CRIF) for research & innovation actors

Collective Research Impact Framework (CRIF) for research & innovation actors

12 May 2021

The CRIF developed by the MULTI-ACT project helps increase the positive impact of research initiatives. It is based on the concept of co-accountability, assessing the impact of research in multiple areas from multiple stakeholders’ perspectives.

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EU HPP Thematic Network ‘Profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future’ – Joint statement

EU HPP Thematic Network ‘Profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future’ – Joint statement

29 January 2021

The statement provides insights into best practices in the health workforce education and a set of recommendations to inform the European Commission on healthcare workforce education, training, and planning for the future of care.

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EHMA 2021 Conference Report

EHMA 2021 Conference Report

9 December 2022

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EHMA 2020 Conference Report

EHMA 2020 Conference Report

9 December 2022

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Insights for value-based healthcare

Insights for value-based healthcare

14 November 2020

This paper focuses on recognised best practices from the 2019 and 2020 UNIVANTS award cycles, for a total of 12 best practices in 2019 and 24 in 2020. The aim is to foster scalability, replication and the understanding of the core of each initiative while promoting adoption by other laboratories and by interdisciplinary teams.

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Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe – A Roadmap

Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe – A Roadmap

29 March 2019

This Roadmap provides guides for implementation, improvement, design and engagement of stakeholders in system-wide transformation. All these resources respond to the urgent need to support care in the home environment to better meet the needs of older people

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Europe

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Europe

14 January 2019

Produced by the SUSTAIN project, this policy report presents the lessons learnt from the overarching analysis of findings from thirteen integrated care initiatives in seven European countries.

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Austria

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Austria

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Estonia

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Estonia

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in the United Kingdom

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in the United Kingdom

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Germany

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Germany

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in The Netherlands

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in The Netherlands

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Norway

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Norway

1 August 2018

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Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Spain (Catalonia)

Lessons learned from improving integrated care in Spain (Catalonia)

1 August 2018

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What our Members say

I have been active in EHMA since the first years of the '90s and I have seen its evolution from a small association of members interested in sharing knowledge on health management practices to the current status of reference and advisory key player for EU, health systems and organisations, stakeholders associations, industry and universities. EHMA is now a unique knowledge hub, policy advisor, community of practice and network of best in class organisations involved in health policy and management. A place where health managers can build their competences, policy-makers and stakeholder associations envision how to implement and sustain change through health management, industry leaders understand how to engage more effectively with health organisations and systems. The right place to nurture and grow health management capabilities and capacity for every stakeholder of health systems.

Prof. Federico Lega, University of Milan, Italy

Health management has a crucial function in shaping public health and health system challenges. The Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria had success in collaborating with EHMA on EU-funded projects that has resourced us to create new health management competencies for the future workforce. In addition to all classical definitions, health management is a science dealing with individuals, groups, and society at large. It is an art contributing to the beauty of our lives and an interactive communication process at all levels of institutions and human energy. I have also had the pleasure to chair the South Eastern European Special Interest Group which gives members a space to discuss and tools to address how health systems are managed in our regions.

Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria

I enjoy the high level of interaction and engagement in EHMA’s activities, in particular during the annual conference where the panel discussions are rich and well prepared. As a hospital manager and professor of health management, EHMA motivates and inspires me to be creative. You go back home feeling energised from seeing old friends and making new connections, as well as being convinced of serving as EHMA’s ambassador. It’s a strong feeling of interdisciplinary engagement, but it also feels like being part of family-like community.

Prof. Sandra C. Buttigieg, University of Malta, Malta

EHMA is a pre-eminent organisation for everyone working in planning, managing and delivering health services across Europe. As a long standing member of EHMA I have always been impressed by the vibrant community of managers, researchers and academics it has created and by the many opportunities for sharing knowledge and funding opportunities it has brought to its members. Its international scope is impressive and its impact is often felt in management and research across European and national health systems.

Prof. Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, UK

Health workforce has become more essential in operating, managing and maintaining health systems lately, particularly in crisis and emergency situations. European healthcare professions and the workforce need to be high on the agenda of managers and decision makers. The Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University in Hungary is a longstanding EHMA member, because it connects us with collaborators and experts, with whom we can have complex debates, from whom we can learn and at the end find solutions in various challenging fields of healthcare management.

Dr Eszter Kovács, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Hungary

As a hospital administrator and health management professor, I see on a daily basis that the healthcare challenges require talented and skilled managers to transform it. the EHMA membership has been beneficial to bring healthcare management research and education to the demanding healthcare services world, promoting healthcare management competencies and knowledge creation.

Dr Alexandre Lourenco, APAH - Association of Portuguese Hospital Managers, Portugal

Many healthcare systems in Europe and beyond are facing similar challenges which require innovative and creative solutions. EHMA’s annual conference, webinars, Programme Directors’ group and other activities and resources provide incredible opportunities for networking, connecting and sharing experiences. A distinct feature of EHMA is the diversity of members with representation from many countries, sectors and different communities of practice – academic, policy-makers, practitioners, managers, leaders and students. The annual conference is a highlight in the calendar year, offering a friendly, fun and learningful environment for emerging and established members to engage, collaborate and meet up with old and new friends. I am proud to be a member of the EHMA Board.

Prof. Ann Mahon, University of Manchester, UK

Society evolution, pandemics and ageing modify health needs. So, health policies and services are to change dramatically. EHMA, through webinars, workshops and annual conference provides an excellent insight to a professional changing world, favouring closeness to management innovation and the protagonists of these changes. As a primary care services’ manager, participating in EHMA activities is really worth it and allows to involve oneself in the innovation processes.

Dr Antoni Peris Grao, Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain