The political and economic crisis arising after the collapse of the communist regime has had long-standing effects on South-Eastern European health systems. The region has been facing under-investment, low skill levels and poor salaries [1]. Low wages have led to a brain drain phenomenon resulting in workforce shortages. Progressive privatisation and spending cuts have deteriorated healthcare quality, leading to a lack of equipment and medical supplies in certain countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a considerable impact and South-Eastern Europe countries experienced difficulties to face the rapid increases in infections due to limited infrastructure and testing capacity, insufficient beds, low vaccination uptake, and workforce shortages [2].

VISION: To discuss the needs, identify strengths, opportunities and solutions to the challenges faced by the healthcare systems of South-Eastern Europe
CHAIR: Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University Varna, Bulgaria



The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a tradition for EHMA and I am pleased to see for the first time one focusing on South-Eastern European and Balkan countries. Through the work of this group we can have a good picture of what is the situation for health management in our region. We can have a platform to meet and share good practices in our respective countries; learn about our health systems functioning and how to manage hospitals more effectively. We can discuss ways for health managers to share information and good practices. As this is just the first year of activity of this group, I look forward to what we can achieve together.

– Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University Varna, Bulgaria


[1] SEE – COE/WHO Presentation, SEE- Achieving peace and health in south-eastern Europe. A healthy community is a wealthy community.
[2] Health care systems face collapse across Eastern Europe amid resurgent COVID-19 pandemic – World Socialist Web Site (

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