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The burden of RSV: How the scientific community can help

The burden of RSV: How the scientific community can help

The burden of RSV: How the scientific community can help

25 October 2022

EHMA has been focussing on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) because of its major disruption to health systems across Europe, and worldwide, making it a key area of interest for health management.

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Transforming care delivery in the spirit of value-based healthcare: how can a community of practice give inspiration?

Transforming care delivery in the spirit of value-based healthcare: how can a community of practice give inspiration?

Transforming care delivery in the spirit of value-based healthcare: how can a community of practice give inspiration?

29 September 2022

Our webinar on how to shift from a volume to a patient value-centred approach and promote the much-needed change in focus from services to outcomes.

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World Patient Safety Day 2022: are medication errors preventable?

World Patient Safety Day 2022: are medication errors preventable?

World Patient Safety Day 2022: are medication errors preventable?

29 September 2022

This webinar raises awareness about patient safety and calles for solidarity and united action by all countries and international partners to reduce harm to patients from medication.

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What essential skills would the European health sector professionals need?

What essential skills would the European health sector professionals need?

What essential skills would the European health sector professionals need?

28 September 2022

Our report 'Essential skills for a resilient and effective European health workforce' was launched at a meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group on Innovation in Health and Social Care.

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International Conference on Integrated Care – ICIC23: the call for papers is now open!

International Conference on Integrated Care – ICIC23: the call for papers is now open!

International Conference on Integrated Care – ICIC23: the call for papers is now open!

23 September 2022

A great opportunity for health managers to share research on how to achieve integrated care at all levels. Discover how to participate to the ICIC conference in Antwerp, Belgium on 22-24 May 2023.

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Strengthening the resilience and skills of the future health workforce

Strengthening the resilience and skills of the future health workforce

Strengthening the resilience and skills of the future health workforce

22 September 2022

A robust and competent workforce is key to achieving optimal health systems. Proper management of human resources can support the delivery of health services.

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Inspiring leaders and managers to embrace the value-based healthcare shift

Inspiring leaders and managers to embrace the value-based healthcare shift

Inspiring leaders and managers to embrace the value-based healthcare shift

19 September 2022

To stimulate healthcare excellence, we produced two white papers that provide insights, best practice and actionable guidance to implement the value-based healthcare shift.

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Magnet4Europe – Improving health professionals wellbeing

Magnet4Europe – Improving health professionals wellbeing

Magnet4Europe – Improving health professionals wellbeing

3 August 2022

Magnet4Europe involves a randomised trial in 130 hospitals in 7 countries. The publication of its study protocol on the BMJ Open journal established the project's scientific and clinical significance.

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Blueprint alliance for a future health workforce strategy on digital and green skills – the BeWell project kicks off

Blueprint alliance for a future health workforce strategy on digital and green skills – the BeWell project kicks off

Blueprint alliance for a future health workforce strategy on digital and green skills – the BeWell project kicks off

22 July 2022

Leading a consortium of 24 partners from 11 European countries to design and develop a strategy for the upskilling and reskilling the European health workforce.

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A sustainable healthcare sector to cope with 21st century challenges  – the EUVECA project kicked-off

A sustainable healthcare sector to cope with 21st century challenges – the EUVECA project kicked-off

A sustainable healthcare sector to cope with 21st century challenges – the EUVECA project kicked-off

8 June 2022

Nineteen partners from eight European countries will establish seven Regional Vocational Excellence Hubs which will develop, test and offer future-oriented skills for the healthcare sector.

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The DISH project concludes with a conference on how to bridge the digital gap for the health workforce

The DISH project concludes with a conference on how to bridge the digital gap for the health workforce

The DISH project concludes with a conference on how to bridge the digital gap for the health workforce

25 April 2022

The DISH project developed three tools to maximise digital skill competency, innovation readiness, and implementation and change management skills.

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The health system burden of RSV in Europe

The health system burden of RSV in Europe

The health system burden of RSV in Europe

19 April 2022

Our study on the burden of paediatric RSV in hospital and community settings, and the impact of RSV-infection on health systems performance and healthcare resource use over the last three RSV seasons.

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Strengthening EU competitiveness in health requires investments in workforce and governance

Strengthening EU competitiveness in health requires investments in workforce and governance

Strengthening EU competitiveness in health requires investments in workforce and governance

2 February 2022

Our joint statement highlighting the need to invest in public health governance, listen to the needs of the health workforce, as well as empower and involve patients in the decision-making processes.

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Improving healthcare access, delivery and outcomes – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Improving healthcare access, delivery and outcomes – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Improving healthcare access, delivery and outcomes – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

17 February 2022

Although the EU is close to universal population coverage, many subgroups face inequalities and barriers that impede access to healthcare resources and services.

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Shaping sustainable systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Shaping sustainable systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Shaping sustainable systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

8 February 2022

Health and the environment are closely intertwined. Health systems must provide quality care and improve the health of the population while limiting their impact on the environment.

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Workforce of the future – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Workforce of the future – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Workforce of the future – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

31 January 2022

COVID exacerbated many of the challenges faced by health systems with regards to health workforce. Health systems need to immediately address shortages and future health workforce skill needs.

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Managing the digital transformation – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Managing the digital transformation – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

Managing the digital transformation – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics

20 January 2022

Digital health demonstrated its multiple advantages during the pandemic. The challenge now consists in building on the momentum to continue exploiting the added value of digital technologies.

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People-centred systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics:

People-centred systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics:

People-centred systems – Discover the #EHMA2022 topics:

17 January 2022

Patient-centricity has been a key topic within health systems, giving way to bringing in patients in the decision-making, planning, development, and monitoring of their care.

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Discover the #EHMA2022 tracks and topics

Discover the #EHMA2022 tracks and topics

Discover the #EHMA2022 tracks and topics

12 January 2022

Health management is practised from an individual to a population level and embraces a holistic vision of health that is impacted by personal, situational, societal, and environmental determinants.

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The iRaise teams successfully complete the programme on innovations’ adoption

The iRaise teams successfully complete the programme on innovations’ adoption

The iRaise teams successfully complete the programme on innovations’ adoption

6 January 2022

The training program addresses teams from healthcare organisations that are provided with knowledge and skills for the adoption of innovations in their specific organisational context.

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AI and machine learning at the base of the COVIRNA diagnostic kit

AI and machine learning at the base of the COVIRNA diagnostic kit

AI and machine learning at the base of the COVIRNA diagnostic kit

10 December 2021

An interview with Dr Kanita Karađuzović-Hadžiabdić on the COVIRNA project, the role of AI and machine learning and the extensibility of the COVIRNA research methodology to other pandemics.

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Healthcare systems at a crossroads: what’s next from here?

Healthcare systems at a crossroads: what’s next from here?

Healthcare systems at a crossroads: what’s next from here?

2 December 2021

Announcing our 27th Annual Conference to take place on 15-17 June 2022 for the first time in Brussels, Belgium on the theme ‘From people to systems: leadership for a sustainable future’.

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The EHMA 2021 Annual Conference Report is out!

The EHMA 2021 Annual Conference Report is out!

The EHMA 2021 Annual Conference Report is out!

24 November 2021

The EHMA 2021 Conference Report is out! Gathering summaries from the 33 sessions that took place during EHMA 2021, this report sets the agenda for health management for the following year.

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Relive the EHMA 2021 Plenary sessions

Relive the EHMA 2021 Plenary sessions

Relive the EHMA 2021 Plenary sessions

21 October 2021

EHMA 2021 on 'Health Management: Managing the present and shaping the future' offered a unique opportunity to share experiences, skills and competencies in the field of health management.

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What our Members say

I have been active in EHMA since the first years of the '90s and I have seen its evolution from a small association of members interested in sharing knowledge on health management practices to the current status of reference and advisory key player for EU, health systems and organisations, stakeholders associations, industry and universities. EHMA is now a unique knowledge hub, policy advisor, community of practice and network of best in class organisations involved in health policy and management. A place where health managers can build their competences, policy-makers and stakeholder associations envision how to implement and sustain change through health management, industry leaders understand how to engage more effectively with health organisations and systems. The right place to nurture and grow health management capabilities and capacity for every stakeholder of health systems.

Prof. Federico Lega, University of Milan, Italy

Health management has a crucial function in shaping public health and health system challenges. The Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria had success in collaborating with EHMA on EU-funded projects that has resourced us to create new health management competencies for the future workforce. In addition to all classical definitions, health management is a science dealing with individuals, groups, and society at large. It is an art contributing to the beauty of our lives and an interactive communication process at all levels of institutions and human energy. I have also had the pleasure to chair the South Eastern European Special Interest Group which gives members a space to discuss and tools to address how health systems are managed in our regions.

Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria

I enjoy the high level of interaction and engagement in EHMA’s activities, in particular during the annual conference where the panel discussions are rich and well prepared. As a hospital manager and professor of health management, EHMA motivates and inspires me to be creative. You go back home feeling energised from seeing old friends and making new connections, as well as being convinced of serving as EHMA’s ambassador. It’s a strong feeling of interdisciplinary engagement, but it also feels like being part of family-like community.

Prof. Sandra C. Buttigieg, University of Malta, Malta

EHMA is a pre-eminent organisation for everyone working in planning, managing and delivering health services across Europe. As a long standing member of EHMA I have always been impressed by the vibrant community of managers, researchers and academics it has created and by the many opportunities for sharing knowledge and funding opportunities it has brought to its members. Its international scope is impressive and its impact is often felt in management and research across European and national health systems.

Prof. Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, UK

Health workforce has become more essential in operating, managing and maintaining health systems lately, particularly in crisis and emergency situations. European healthcare professions and the workforce need to be high on the agenda of managers and decision makers. The Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University in Hungary is a longstanding EHMA member, because it connects us with collaborators and experts, with whom we can have complex debates, from whom we can learn and at the end find solutions in various challenging fields of healthcare management.

Dr Eszter Kovács, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Hungary

As a hospital administrator and health management professor, I see on a daily basis that the healthcare challenges require talented and skilled managers to transform it. the EHMA membership has been beneficial to bring healthcare management research and education to the demanding healthcare services world, promoting healthcare management competencies and knowledge creation.

Dr Alexandre Lourenco, APAH - Association of Portuguese Hospital Managers, Portugal

Many healthcare systems in Europe and beyond are facing similar challenges which require innovative and creative solutions. EHMA’s annual conference, webinars, Programme Directors’ group and other activities and resources provide incredible opportunities for networking, connecting and sharing experiences. A distinct feature of EHMA is the diversity of members with representation from many countries, sectors and different communities of practice – academic, policy-makers, practitioners, managers, leaders and students. The annual conference is a highlight in the calendar year, offering a friendly, fun and learningful environment for emerging and established members to engage, collaborate and meet up with old and new friends. I am proud to be a member of the EHMA Board.

Prof. Ann Mahon, University of Manchester, UK

Society evolution, pandemics and ageing modify health needs. So, health policies and services are to change dramatically. EHMA, through webinars, workshops and annual conference provides an excellent insight to a professional changing world, favouring closeness to management innovation and the protagonists of these changes. As a primary care services’ manager, participating in EHMA activities is really worth it and allows to involve oneself in the innovation processes.

Dr Antoni Peris Grao, Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain